GPRbuild User's Guide

GPRBUILD User's Guide


GPRbuild is a generic build tool designed for the construction of large multi-language systems organized into subsystems and libraries. It is well-suited for compiled languages supporting separate compilation, such as Ada, C, C++ or Fortran.

GPRbuild manages a three step build process

GPRbuild takes as its main input a project file <file>.gpr defining the build characteristics of the system under construction such as:

The tool is generic in that it provides, when possible, equivalent build capabilities for all supported languages. For this, it uses a configuration file <file>.cgpr that has a syntax and structure very similar to a project file, but which defines the characteristics of the supported languages and toolchains. The configuration file contains information such as:

On the other hand, GPRbuild is not a replacement for general-purpose build tools such as make or ant which give the user a high level of control over the build process itself. When building a system requires complex actions that do not fit well in the three-phase process described above, GPRbuild might not be sufficient. In such situations, GPRbuild can still be used to manage the appropriate part of the build. For instance it can be called from within a Makefile.

1 Guided Tour

This chapter presents examples ranging from simple multi-language builds to some of the most advanced scenarios. All the examples shown in the text are included in the GPRbuild package, which is installed on your system in <prefix>/share/examples/gprbuild/.

1.1 Configuration

GPRbuild requires one configuration file describing the languages and toolchains to be used, and project files describing the characteristics of the user project. Typically the configuration file can be created automatically by GPRbuild based on the languages defined in your projects and the compilers on your path. In more involved situations – such as cross compilation, or environments with several compilers for the same language – you may need to control more precisely the generation of the desired configuration of toolsets. A tool, GPRconfig, described in Configuring with GPRconfig), offers this capability. In this chapter most of the examples can use autoconfiguration.

GPRbuild will start its build process by trying to locate a configuration file called default.cgpr. If such a file is not available or if the option --autoconf=xxx is used, GPRbuild will create its own configuration file suitable for native development and assuming that there are known compilers on your path for each of the necessary languages. It is preferable and often necessary to manually generate your own configuration file when:

GPRconfig provides several ways of generating configuration files. By default, a simple interactive mode lists all the known compilers for all known languages. You can then select a compiler for each of the languages; once a compiler has been selected, only compatible compilers for other languages are proposed. Here are a few examples of GPRconfig invocation:

1.2 First Steps

Assume a simple case of interfacing between Ada and C where the main program is first in Ada and then in C. For a main program in Ada the following project may be used:

     project Ada_Main is
        for Languages    use ("Ada", "C");
        for Source_Dirs  use ("ada_src", "util_src");
        for Object_Dir   use  "obj";
        for Exec_Dir     use ".";
        for Source_Files use ("ada_main.adb", "", "lib.h", "lib.c");
        for Main         use ("ada_main.adb");
     end Ada_Main;

This project indicates that:

This information is sufficient for GPRbuild to build an executable program from the sources. Note that no direct indication on how to build the various elements is given in the project file, which describes the project properties rather than a set of actions to be executed. Here is the invocation of GPRbuild that allows building the multi-language program:

     $ gprbuild -Pada_main
     gcc -c ada_main.adb -o ada_main.o
     gcc -c -o c_lib.o
     gcc -c lib.c -o lib.o
     gprbind ada_main
     gcc ada_main.o -o ada_main.exe

Notice the three steps described in the Introduction:

The default output of GPRbuild's execution is kept reasonably simple and easy to understand. In particular, some of the less frequently used commands are not shown, and some parameters are abbreviated. GPRbuild's option -v provides a much more verbose output which includes, among other information, more complete compilation, post-compilation and link commands.

To illustrate some other GPRbuild capabilities, here is a slightly different project using similar sources and a main program in C:

     project C_Main is
        for Languages    use ("Ada", "C");
        for Source_Dirs  use ("c_src", "util_src");
        for Object_Dir   use  "obj1";
        for Main         use ("c_main.c");
        package Compiler is
           C_Switches := ("-pedantic");
           for Default_Switches ("C")   use C_Switches;
           for Default_Switches ("Ada") use ("-gnaty");
           for Switches ("c_main.c")    use C_Switches & ("-g");
        end Compiler;
     end C_Main;

This project has many similarities with the previous one, as evident in the Languages, Source_Dirs and Object_Dirs attributes. As expected, its Main attribute now refers to a C source. The first noticeable difference is the lack of a Source_Files attribute. When not specified explicitly, this attribute has an implicit value which is the complete set of sources of the given Languages to be found in Source_Dirs. Many attributes can be left implicit and will be given reasonable default values. For instance, Source_Dirs and Object_Dir default to the current directory (where the project file resides). The Exec_Dir attribute defaults to the value of Object_Dir.

The other notable difference in this new project is the presence of the package Compiler, which groups the attributes specific to the compilation phases. The Default_Switches attribute provides the list of compilation switches to be used for any source of a given Languages value unless the source has its own set of compilation switches specified by the attribute Switches. Note also the use of a the variable C_Switches. A project variable can be useful to avoid duplication of information and here ensures that the file c_main.c is always compiled with the default switches (whatever they may be), plus -g. In this specific situation the use of a variable could have been replaced by a reference to the Default_Switches attribute:

        for Switches ("c_main.c") use Compiler'Default_Switches ("C") & ("-g");

Here is the output of the GPRbuild command using this project:

     $gprbuild -Pc_main
     gcc -c -pedantic -g c_main.c -o c_main.o
     gcc -c -gnaty ada_lib.adb -o ada_lib.o
     gcc -c -gnaty -o c_lib.o
     gcc -c -pedantic lib.c -o lib.o
     gprbind c_main
     gcc c_main.o -o c_main.exe

The switches for compiling Ada sources, the default switches for C sources in the compilation of lib.c, and the specific switches for c_main.c have all been taken into account. When comparing this GPRbuild output with the previous one, notice that there are common sources between the two projects, namely and lib.c. Those sources were compiled twice, once for each project. This is not surprising, since the two projects are independent and have different Object_Dirs even though they share some sources. It is possible to share more than the sources, and thus avoid unnecessary recompilations when compilation units are used in several different projects, by splitting a system into subsystems.

1.3 Subsystems

The common compilation units may be grouped in a separate subsystem with its own project file and a specified Object_Dir attribute:

     project Common_Subsystem is
        for Source_Dirs  use ("util_src");
        for Object_Dir   use  "obj_util";
     end Common_Subsystem;

By default, all the sources in directory util_src belong to project Common_Subsystem, and when compiled, their objects go in obj_dir. Other projects, whose sources depend on sources in util_src, can create a dependency relationship using a project with clause:

     with "Common_Subsystem";
     project Ada_Main is
        for Languages    use ("Ada");
        for Source_Dirs  use ("ada_src");
     end Ada_Main;

The Ada_Main.Source_Dirs no longer includes util_src. The main program in ada_src still needs sources from util_src to be compiled. It also needs those units built. Now they will be compiled using the build properties defined in Common_Subsystem instead of those of Ada_Main.

The project's with clause has several effects. It provides visibility of sources during the compilation process as if the units from Ada_Main were compiled with an implicit -Iutil_src option. It also guarantees that the necessary units from Common_Subsystem are available for Ada_Main's linking phase.

It is also possible to use the with relationship to define a project file that allows sharing common attributes or packages. For instance, you can define a project whose only purpose is to centralize the default compilation options for various languages:

     project Attribute_Sharing is
        for Source_Files use ();
        package Compiler is
           for Default_Switches ("C")   use ("-pedantic");
           for Default_Switches ("Ada") use ("-gnaty");
        end Compiler;
     end Attribute_Sharing;

This package does not correspond to a subsystem with proper source files, and this is conveyed by the definition of Source_Files as the empty list. It informs the build manager that no compilation is to take place directly from this project. Defining an empty list of sources is essential for such utility projects because otherwise the default rules would apply and all sources in the current directory would be associated with this project. Now other projects can share this project's attributes and packages. For instance, Ada_Main can share all the Compiler package's attributes at once using a renaming declaration:

     with "Attribute_Sharing";
     project Ada_Main is
        package Compiler renames Attribute_Sharing.Compiler;
     end Ada_Main;

or if other aspects of the Compiler package need to be defined locally, such as adding -g for the c_main.c source only, sharing can be done at the attribute level directly as in this new version of C_Main.Compiler:

        package Compiler is
           for Default_Switches ("C") use
             Attribute_Sharing.Compiler'Default_Switches ("C");
           for Switches ("c_main.c")  use
             Compiler'Default_Switches ("C") & ("-g");
        end Compiler;

In order to change the compilation options of all C files used for building both C_Main and Ada_Main, it is sufficient to edit a single project file.

1.4 Project Extensions

Previous sections have shown how to share both compilation units and project properties among different systems. Sharing is an essential aspect of large system development since it avoids unnecessary duplication, reduces compilation time and lessens the maintenance burden. Unfortunately, it sometimes gets in the way. In the above example, Ada_Main and C_Main both depend on Common_Subsystems because they have precisely the same needs, but the requirements of the two systems can diverge over time in which case sharing becomes a problem rather than a solution. For instance, suppose that C_Main is now baselined and should not be changed, while Ada_Main is still under active development (which requires changes in the sources of the common subsystem). The issue is how to satisfy Ada_Main's needs without taking any risk of perturbing C_Main. One possibility is to duplicate the common subsystem completely so that one version can evolve while the other one can remain frozen. That will force duplication and recompilation of the whole project. Extensions provide a more flexible mechanism, making it possible to provide a new version of a subsystem without having to duplicate the sources that do not change. A project extension inherits all the sources and objects from the project it extends and allows you to redefine some of the sources which hide the original versions. You can also add new sources or remove existing ones. Here is an example of extending project Common_Subsystem:

     project New_Common_Subsystem
             extends "../subsystems/common_subsystem.gpr" is
        for Source_Dirs  use ("new_util_src");
        for Object_Dir   use  "new_obj_util";
     end New_Common_Subsystem;

The project sources are to be found in Common_Subsystem.Source_Dirs and New_Common_Subsystem.Source_Dirs, the latter hiding the former when the same source filenames are found in both. New sources can be added to the project extension by simply placing them in its Source_Dirs. Original sources can be removed, because of the attribute Excluded_Source_Files. When building a project extension, all units depending on new versions of sources are rebuilt in the extension's Object_Dir. Other objects remain in their original location and will be used by the builder whenever necessary.

A project extension can be used in the context of a large program composed of many subsystems. Extending one subsystem may implicitly affect many other subsystems depending on it, even though there are no source changes in those dependent projects. In order to avoid the need to generate a project extension for each of the affected subsystems, you can use the notion of “extending all”, which basically means “extend all the projects necessary so that this specific project extension can be used instead of its original version”. Here is an example of an extending-all project:

     with "new_common_subsystem.gpr";
     project New_Ada_Main extends all "../subsystems/ada_main.gpr" is
        for Source_Dirs  use ("new_ada_src");
        for Object_Dir   use  "new_obj";
        for Exec_Dir     use ".";
     end New_Ada_Main;

1.5 Libraries

A library is a subsystem packaged in a specific way. There are two major kinds of libraries: static and dynamic. A project file representing a library is very similar to a project file representing a subsystem. You just need to give the library a name, through the attribute Library_Name. It is also possible to define a Library_Dir which allows you to separate the final library components (e.g. archive files) from the compilation byproducts (e.g. object files) that may be needed to efficiently rebuild a new version of the library but which are not of any interest to library users. Here is a simple project file for a static library:

     project Static_Lib is
        for Languages    use ("Ada", "C");
        for Source_Dirs  use ("lib_src");
        for Object_Dir   use "obj";
        for Library_Dir  use "lib";
        for Library_Kind use "static";
        for Library_Name use "l1";
     end Static_Lib;

The library can be built on its own using standard GPRbuild commands, for example:

     $gprbuild static_lib.gpr

It can also be built as a by product of building a main project using this library through a "with" as it was the case for simple subsystems:

     with "static_lib.gpr";
     project Main is
        for Main  use ("ada_main.adb");
     end Main;

in which case

     $gprbuild main.gpr

will rebuild the library l1 if it is not up to date.

To construct a dynamic library instead of a static library, simply replace

        for Library_Kind use "static";


        for Library_Kind use "dynamic";

Library projects can also be useful to describe a library that you may want to use but that, for some reason, cannot be rebuilt, for instance when the sources to rebuild the library are not available. Such library projects need simply to use the externally_built attribute as in the example below:

     project Extern_Lib is
        for Languages    use ("Ada", "C");
        for Source_Dirs  use ("lib_src");
        for Library_Dir  use "lib2";
        for Library_Kind use "dynamic";
        for Library_Name use "l2";
        for Externally_Built use "true";
     end Extern_Lib;

In the case of externally built libraries, the Object_Dir attribute does not need to be specified in this case because it will never be used.

1.6 Scenarios and conditional source files

To be provided in a subsequent version of the document.

2 Main Concepts

The following concepts are the foundation of GNAT Project files and the GPRbuild process.

3 Building with GPRbuild

3.1 Command Line

Three elements can optionally be specified on GPRbuild's command line:

The general syntax is thus:

     gprbuild [<proj>.gpr] [switches] [names]
       {[-cargs opts] [-cargs:lang opts] [-largs opts] [-gargs opts]}

GPRbuild requires a project file, which may be specified on the command line, either directly or through the -P switch. If not specified, then GPRbuild uses the project file default.gpr if there is one in the current working directory. Otherwise, if there is only one project file in the current working directory, GPRbuild uses this project file.

Main source files represent the sources to be used as the main programs. If they are not specified on the command line, GPRbuild uses the source files specified with the Main attribute in the project file. If none exists, then no executable will be built.

When source files are specified along with the option -c, then recompilation will be considered only for those source files. In all other cases, GPRbuild compiles or recompiles all sources in the project tree that are not up to date, and builds or rebuilds libraries that are not up to date.

If invoked without the --config= or --autoconf= options, then GPRbuild will look for a configuration project file default.cgpr, or <targetname>.cgpr if option --terget=<targetname> is used. If there is no such file in the default locations expected by GPRbuild (<install>/share/gpr and the current directory) then GPRbuild will invoke GPRconfig with the languages from the project files, and create a configuration project file auto.cgpr in the object directory of the main project. The project auto.cgpr will be rebuilt at each GPRbuild invocation unless you use the switch --autoconf=path/auto.cgpr, which will use the configuration project file if it exists and create it otherwise.

Options given on the GPRbuild command line may be passed along to individual tools by preceding them with one of the “command line separators” shown below. Options following the separator, up to the next separator (or end of the command line), are passed along. The different command line separators are:

3.2 Switches

The switches that are interpreted directly by GPRbuild are:

3.3 Initialization

Before performing one or several of its three phases, GPRbuild has to read the command line, obtain its configuration, and process the project files.

If GPRbuild is invoked with an invalid switch or without any project file on the command line, it will fail immediately.


     $ gprbuild -P
     gprbuild: project file name missing after -P
     $ gprbuild -P c_main.gpr -WW
     gprbuild: illegal option "-WW"

GPRbuild looks for the configuration project file first in the current working directory, then in the default configuration project directory. If the GPRbuild executable is located in a subdirectory <prefix>/bin, then the default configuration project directory is <prefix>/share/gpr, otherwise there is no default configuration project directory.

When it has found its configuration project path, GPRbuild needs to obtain its configuration. By default, the file name of the main configuration project is default.cgpr. This default may be modified using the switch --config=...


     $ gprbuild --config=my_standard.cgpr -P my_project.gpr

If GPRbuild cannot find the main configuration project on the configuration project path, then it will look for all the languages specified in the user project tree and invoke GPRconfig to create a configuration project file named auto.cgpr that is located in the object directory of the main project file.

Once it has found the configuration project, GPRbuild will process its configuration: if a single string attribute is specified in the configuration project and is not specified in a user project, then the attribute is added to the user project. If a string list attribute is specified in the configuration project then its value is prepended to the corresponding attribute in the user project.

After GPRbuild has processed its configuration, it will process the user project file or files. If these user project files are incorrect then GPRbuild will fail with the appropriate error messages:

     $ gprbuild -P my_project.gpr
     ada_main.gpr:3:26: "src" is not a valid directory
     gprbuild: "my_project.gpr" processing failed

Once the user project files have been dealt with successfully, GPRbuild will start its processing.

3.4 Compilation of one or several sources

If GPRbuild is invoked with -c and there are one or several source file names specified on the command line, GPRbuild will compile or recompile these sources, if they are not up to date or if -f is also specified. Then GPRbuild will stop its execution, even if -b or -l are specified.

The options/switches used to compile these sources are described in section Compilation Phase.

3.5 Compilation Phase

When switch -c is used or when switches -b or -l are not used, GPRbuild will first compile or recompile all the sources that are not up to date in all the projects in the project tree.

GPRbuild will first consider each source and decide if it needs to be (re)compiled.

A source needs to be compiled in the following cases:

When a source is successfully compiled, the following files are normally created in the object directory of the project of the source:

The compiler for the language of the source is invoked with the following switches/options:

If compilation is needed, then all the options/switches, except those described as “Various other options” are written to the switch file. The switch file is a text file. Its file name is obtained by replacing the suffix of the source with .cswi. For example, the switch file for source main.adb is main.cswi and for toto.c it is toto.cswi.

If the compilation is successful, then if the creation of the dependency file is not done during compilation but after (see configuration attribute Compute_Dependency), then the process to create the dependency file is invoked.

If GPRbuild is invoked with a switch -j specifying more than one compilation process, then several compilation processes for several sources of possibly different languages are spawned concurrently.

3.6 Post-Compilation Phase

To be provided in a subsequent version of the document.

3.7 Linking Phase

To be provided in a subsequent version of the document.

4 Cleaning up with GPRclean

The GPRclean tool removes the files created by GPRbuild. At a minimum, to invoke GPRclean you must specify a main project file in a command such as gprclean proj.gpr or gprclean -P proj.gpr.

Examples of invocation of GPRclean:

        gprclean -r prj1.gpr
        gprclean -c -P prj2.gpr

4.1 Switches for GPRclean

The switches for GPRclean are:

5 Configuring with GPRconfig

5.1 Using GPRconfig

5.1.1 Description

The GPRconfig tool helps you generate the configuration files for GPRbuild. It automatically detects the available compilers on your system and, after you have selected the one needed for your application, it generates the proper configuration file.

In general, you will not launch GPRconfig explicitly. Instead, it is used implicitly by GPRbuild through the use of --config and --autoconf switches

5.1.2 Command line arguments

GPRconfig supports the following command line switches:

Use --target to specify on which machine your application will run

This switch indicates the target computer on which your application will be run. It is mostly useful for cross configurations. Examples include ppc-elf, ppc-vx6-windows. It can also be used in native configurations and is useful when the same machine can run different kind of compilers such as mingw32 and cygwin on Windows or x86-32 and x86-64 on GNU Linux. Since different compilers will often return a different name for those targets, GPRconfig has an extensive knowledge of which targets are compatible, and will for example accept x86-linux as an alias for i686-pc-linux-gnu. The default target is the machine on which GPRconfig is run.

If you enter the special target all, then all compilers found on the PATH will be displayed.

As mentioned above, GPRconfig knows which targets are compatible. You can use this switch to find the list of targets that are compatible with --target.
Use --config to automatically select the first matching compiler

The intent of this switch is to preselect one or more compilers directly from the command line. This switch takes several optional arguments, which you can omit simply by passing the empty string. When omitted, the arguments will be computed automatically by GPRconfig.

In general, only language needs to be specified, and the first compiler on the PATH that can compile this language will be selected. As an example, for a multi-language application programmed in C and Ada, the command line would be:

          --config=Ada --config=C

path is the directory that contains the compiler executable, for instance /usr/bin (and not the installation prefix /usr).

name should be one of the compiler names defined in the GPRconfig knowledge base. The list of supported names can be found in the output of -h, and includes GNAT, GCC,.... This name is generally not needed, but can be used to distinguish among several compilers that could match the other arguments of --config.

          gprconfig --config Ada,,,/usr/bin       # automatic parameters
          gprconfig --config C,,,/usr/bin,GCC     # automatic version

Use --batch to generate the configuration file with no use interaction

If this switch is specified, GPRconfig automatically selects the first compiler matching each of the --config switches, and generates the configuration file immediately. It will not display an interactive menu.

-o file
Use -o to specify the name of the configuration file to generate

This specifies the name of the configuration file that will be generated. If this switch is not specified, a default file is generated in the installation directory of GPRbuild (assuming you have write access to that directory), so that it is automatically picked up by GPRbuild later on. If you select a different output file, you will need to specify it to GPRbuild.

--db directory
Indicates another directory that should be parsed for GPRconfig's knowledge base. Most of the time this is only useful if you are creating your own XML description files locally. The second version of the switch prevents GPRconfig from reading its default knowledge base.
Generates a brief help message listing all GPRconfig switches and the default value for their arguments. This includes the location of the knowledge base, the default target,...

5.1.3 Interactive use

When you launch GPRconfig, it first searches for all compilers it can find on your PATH, that match the target specified by --target. It is recommended, although not required, that you place the compilers that you expect to use for your application in your PATH before you launch gprconfig, since that simplifies the setup.

The list of compilers is sorted so that the most likely compilers appear first

GPRconfig then displays the list of all the compilers it has found, along with the language they can compile, the run-time they use (when applicable),.... It then waits for you to select one of the compilers. This list is sorted by language, then by order in the PATH environment variable (so that compilers that you are more likely to use appear first), then by run-time names and finally by version of the compiler. Thus the first compiler for any language is most likely the one you want to use.

You make a selection by entering the letter that appears on the line for each compiler (be aware that this letter is case sensitive). If the compiler was already selected, it is deselected.

The list of compilers is filtered, so that only compatible compilers can be selected

A filtered list of compilers is then displayed: only compilers that target the same platform as the selected compiler are now shown. GPRconfig then checks whether it is possible to link sources compiled with the selected compiler and each of the remaining compilers; when linking is not possible, the compiler is not displayed. Likewise, all compilers for the same language are hidden, so that you can only select one compiler per language.

As an example, if you need to compile your application with several C compilers, you should create another language, for instance called C2, for that purpose. That will give you the flexibility to indicate in the project files which compiler should be used for which sources.

The goal of this filtering is to make it more obvious whether you have a good chance of being able to link. There is however no guarantee that GPRconfig will know for certain how to link any combination of the remaining compilers.

You can select as many compilers as are needed by your application. Once you have finished selecting the compilers, select <s>, and GPRconfig will generate the configuration file.

5.2 The GPRconfig knowledge base

GPRconfig itself has no hard-coded knowledge of compilers. Thus there is no need to recompile a new version of GPRconfig when a new compiler is distributed.

The role and format of the knowledge base are irrelevant for most users of GPRconfig, and are only needed when you need to add support for new compilers. You can skip this section if you only want to learn how to use GPRconfig.

All knowledge of compilers is embedded in a set of XML files called the knowledge base. Users can easily contribute to this general knowledge base, and have GPRconfig immediately take advantage of any new data.

The knowledge base contains various kinds of information:

The end of this section will describe in more detail the format of this knowledge base, so that you can add your own information and have GPRconfig advantage of it.

5.2.1 General file format

The knowledge base is implemented as a set of XML files. None of these files has a special name, nor a special role. Instead, the user can freely create new files, and put them in the knowledge base directory, to contribute new knowledge.

The location of the knowledge base is $prefix/share/gprconfig, where $prefix is the directory in which GPRconfig was installed. Any file with extension .xml in this directory will be parsed automatically by GPRconfig at startup.

All files must have the following format:

     <?xml version="1.0">

The root tag must be <gprconfig>.

The remaining sections in this chapter will list the valid XML tags that can be used to replace the “...” code above. These tags can either all be placed in a single XML files, or split across several files.

5.2.2 Compiler description

One of the XML tags that can be specified as a child of <gprconfig> is <compiler_description>. This node and its children describe one of the compilers known to GPRconfig. The tool uses them when it initially looks for all compilers known on the user's PATH environment variable.

This is optional information, but simplifies the use of GPRconfig, since the user is then able to omit some parameters from the --config command line argument, and have them automatically computed.

The <compiler_description> node doesn't accept any XML attribute. However, it accepts a number of child tags that explain how to query the various attributes of the compiler. The child tags are evaluated (if necessary) in the same order as they are documented below.

This tag contains a simple string, which is the name of the compiler. This name must be unique across all the configuration files, and is used to identify that compiler_description node.

This tag contains a string, which is the name of an executable to search for on the PATH. Examples are gnatls, gcc,...

In some cases, the tools have a common suffix, but a prefix that might depend on the target. For instance, GNAT uses gnatmake for native platforms, but powerpc-wrs-vxworks-gnatmake for cross-compilers to VxWorks. Most of the compiler description is the same, however. For such cases, the value of the executable node is considered as beginning a regular expression. The tag also accepts an attribute prefix, which is an integer indicating the parenthesis group that contains the prefix. In the following example, you obtain the version of the GNAT compiler by running either gnatls or powerpc-wrs-vxworks-gnatls, depending on the name of the executable that was found.

The regular expression needs to match the whole name of the file, i.e. it contains an implicit “^” at the start, and an implicit “$” at the end. Therefore if you specify .*gnatmake as the regexp, it will not match gnatmake-debug.

          <executable prefix="1">(powerpc-wrs-vxworks-)?gnatmake</executable>
          <version><external>${PREFIX}gnatls -v</external></version>

GPRconfig searches in all directories listed on the PATH for such an executable. When one is found, the rest of the <compiler_description> children are checked to know whether the compiler is valid. The directory in which the executable was found becomes the “current directory” for the remaining XML children.

This node indicates how to query the target architecture for the compiler. See GPRconfig external values for valid children.
This tag contains any of the nodes defined in GPRconfig external values below. It shows how to query the version number of the compiler. If the version cannot be found, the executable will not be listed in the list of compilers.
<variable name="varname">
This node will define a user variable which may be later referenced. The variables are evaluated just after the version but before the languages and the runtimes nodes. See GPRconfig external values below for valid children of this node. If the evaluation of this variable is empty then the compiler is considered as invalid.
This node indicates how to query the list of languages. See GPRconfig external values below for valid children of this node.

The value returned by the system will be split into words. As a result, if the returned value is “ada,c,c++”, there are three languages supported by the compiler (and three entries are added to the menu when using GPRconfig interactively). The words can be comma-separated or space-separated.

This node indicates how to query the list of supported runtimes for the compiler. See GPRconfig external values below for valid children. The returned value is split into words as for <languages>. External values

A number of the XML nodes described above can contain one or more children, and specify how to query a value from an executable. Here is the list of valid contents for these nodes. The <directory> and <external> children can be repeated multiple times, and the <filter> and <must_match> nodes will be applied to each of these. The final value of the external value is the concatenation of the computation for each of the <directory> and <external> nodes. Variable Substitution

The various compiler attributes defined above are made available as variables in the rest of the XML files. Each of these variable can be used in the value of the various nodes (for instance in <directory>), and in the configurations (see Configuration).

A variable is referenced by ${name} where name is either a user variable or a predefined variable. An alternate reference is $name where name is a sequence of alpha numeric characters or underscores. Finally $$ is replaced by a simple $.

User variables are defined by <variable> nodes and may override predefined variables. To avoid a possible override use lower case names.

Predefined variables are always in upper case. Here is the list of predefined variables

is the name of the executable that was found through <executable>. It only contains the basename, not the directory information.
is replaced by the architecture of the host on which GPRconfig is running. This name is hard-coded in GPRconfig itself, and is generated by configure when GPRconfig was built.
is replaced by the target architecture of the compiler, as returned by the <target> node. This is of course not available when computing the target itself.
is replaced by the version of the compiler. This is not available when computing the target or, of course, the version itself.
is replaced by the prefix to the executable name, as defined by the <executable> node.
is the current directory, i.e. the one containing the executable found through <executable>. It always ends with a directory separator.
is the directory in which GPRconfig was installed (e.g "/usr/local/" if the executable is "/usr/local/bin/gprconfig". This directory always ends with a directory separator.
is the language supported by the compiler, always folded to lower-case
This string will always be substituted by the empty string when the value of the external value is computed. These are special strings used when substituting text in configuration chunks.

RUNTIME_DIR always end with a directory separator.

If a variable is not defined, an error message is issued and the variable is substituted by an empty string.

5.2.3 Configurations

The second type of information stored in the knowledge base are the chunks of gprbuild configuration files.

Each of these chunks is also placed in an XML node that provides optional filters. If all the filters match, then the chunk will be merged with other similar chunks and placed in the final configuration file that is generated by GPRconfig.

For instance, it is possible to indicate that a chunk should only be included if the GNAT compiler with the soft-float runtime is used. Such a chunk can for instance be used to ensure that Ada sources are always compiled with the -msoft-float command line switch.

GPRconfig does not perform sophisticated merging of chunks. It simply groups packages together. For example, if the two chunks are:

        package Language_Processing is
          for Attr1 use ("foo");
        end Language_Processing;
        package Language_Processing is
          for Attr1 use ("bar");
        end Language_Processing;

Then the final configuration file will look like:

     package Language_Processing is
       for Attr1 use ("foo");
       for Attr1 use ("bar");
     end Language_Processing;

As a result, to avoid conflicts, it is recommended that the chunks be written so that they easily collaborate together. For instance, to obtain something equivalent to

     package Language_Processing is
       for Attr1 use ("foo", "bar");
     end Language_Processing;

the two chunks above should be written as:

       package Language_Processing is
         for Attr1 use Language_Processing'Attr1 & ("foo");
       end Language_Processing;
       package Language_Processing is
         for Attr1 use Language_Processing'Attr1 & ("bar");
       end Language_Processing;

The chunks are described in a <configuration> XML node. The most important child of such a node is <config>, which contains the chunk itself. For instance, you would write:

       ...  list of filters, see below
        package Language_Processing is
           for Attr1 use Language_Processing'Attr1 & ("foo");
        end Language_Processing;

If <config> is an empty node (i.e., <config/> or <config></config>) was used, then the combination of selected compilers will be reported as invalid, in the sense that code compiled with these compilers cannot be linked together. As a result, GPRconfig will not create the configuration file.

The special variables (see GPRconfig variable substitution) are also substituted in the chunk. That allows you to compute some attributes of the compiler (its path, the runtime,...), and use them when generating the chunks.

The filters themselves are of course defined through XML tags, and can be any of:

<compilers negate="false">
This filter contains a list of <compiler> children. The <compilers> filter matches if any of its children match. However, you can have several <compilers> filters, in which case they must all match. This can be used to include linker switches chunks. For instance, the following code would be used to describe the linker switches to use when GNAT 5.05 or 5.04 is used in addition to g++ 3.4.1:
              <compiler name="GNAT" version="5.04" />
              <compiler name="GNAT" version="5.05" />
              <compiler name="G++" version="3.4.1" />

If the attribute negate is true, then the meaning of this filter is inverted, and it will match if none of its children matches.

The format of the <compiler> is the following:

          <compiler name="name" version="..."
             runtime="..." language="..." />

The name and language attributes, when specified, match the corresponding attributes used in the <compiler_description> children. All other attributes are regular expressions, which are matched against the corresponding selected compilers. When an attribute is not specified, it will always match. Matching is done in a case-insensitive manner.

For instance, to check a GNAT compiler in the 5.x family, use:

          <compiler name="GNAT" version="5.d+" />

<hosts negate="false">
This filter contains a list of <host> children. It matches when any of its children matches. You can specify only one <hosts> node. The format of <host> is a node with a single mandatory attribute name, which is a regexp matched against the architecture on which GPRconfig is running. The name of the architecture was computed by configure when GPRconfig was built.

If the negate attribute is true, then the meaning of this filter is inverted, and it will match when none of its children matches.

For instance, to active a chunk only if the compiler is running on an intel linux machine, use:

            <host name="i.86-.*-linux(-gnu)?" />

<targets negate="false">
This filter contains a list of <target> children. It behaves exactly like <hosts>, but matches against the architecture targeted by the selected compilers. For instance, to activate a chunk only when the code is targeted for linux, use:

If the negate attribute is true, then the meaning of this filter is inverted, and it will match when none of its children matches.

            <target name="i.86-.*-linux(-gnu)?" />

6 Configuration File Reference

GPRbuild needs to have a configuration file to know the different characteristics of the toolchains that can be used to compile sources and build libraries and executables.

A configuration file is a special kind of project file: it uses the same syntax as a standard project file. Attributes in the configuration file define the configuration. Some of these attributes have a special meaning in the configuration.

The default name of the configuration file, when not specified to GPRbuild by switches –config= or –autoconf= is default.cgpr. Although the name of the configuration file can be any valid file name, it is recommended that its suffix be .cgpr (for Configuration GNAT Project), so that it cannot be confused with a standard project file which has the suffix .gpr.

When default.cgpr cannot be found in the configuration project path, GPRbuild invokes GPRconfig to create a configuration file.

In the following description of the attributes, when an attribute is an associative array indexed by the language name, for example Spec_Suffix (<language>), then the name of the language is case insensitive. For example, both C and c are allowed.

Any attribute may appear in a configuration project file. All attributes in a configuration project file are inherited by each user project file in the project tree. However, usually only the attributes listed below make sense in the configuration project file.

6.1 Project Level Attributes

6.1.1 General Attributes

6.1.2 General Library Related Attributes

6.1.3 Archive Related Attributes

6.1.4 Shared Library Related Attributes

6.2 Package Naming

Attributes in package Naming of a configuration file specify defaults. These attributes may be used in user project files to replace these defaults.

The following attributes usually appear in package Naming of a configuration file:

6.3 Package Builder

6.4 Package Compiler

6.4.1 General Compilation Attributes

6.4.2 Mapping File Related Attributes

6.4.3 Config File Related Attributes

In the value of config file attributes defined below, there are some placeholders that GPRbuild will replace. These placeholders are:


6.4.4 Dependency Related Attributes

There are two dependency-related attributes: Dependency_Switches and Dependency_Driver. If neither of these two attributes are specified for a language other than Ada, then the source needs to be (re)compiled if the object file does not exist or the source file is more recent than the object file or the switch file.

6.4.5 Search Path Related Attributes

6.5 Package Binder

6.6 Package Linker

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